Youth Council

It is essential that all aspects of Youth Elemento reflect the wants and needs of the young adults who use the center. Each month we host a meeting for our Youth Council, where we update our young adults on happenings and changes at the center and most importantly, we ask for youth feedback. For example, young adults share ideas for groups and activities they want to see at the center, and we incorporate those ideas into our monthly events calendar.

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our brand new youth podcast! Stay tuned for more details on the official launch date. ¡Estamos encantados de anunciar el próximo lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo podcast para jóvenes! Estén atentos para obtener más detalles sobre la fecha de lanzamiento oficial. #youthpodcast #mentalhealth #experts #thefutureishere #podcast #bilingual #chelsea #02150 @massdmh @northsuffolkcommunityservices @speaking_of_hope
Check out Youth Elemento’s March calendar of activities and groups. This month we are partnering up with @oldsoulyoungworldpodcast to facilitate a purpose-centered mentorship & video creation workshop. Spaces are limited. Sign up today! Consulte el calendario de actividades y grupos de marzo de Youth Elemento. Este mes nos asociaremos con @oldsoulyoungworldpodcast para facilitar un taller de creación de videos y tutoría centrado en un propósito. Los espacios son limitados. ¡Regístrese hoy! #mentorship #mediaproduction #youthvoice
Appreciation post! Thank you @alejandraamayaproductions and @chocolateradio01 for taking the time to train our team of staff and young adults while also giving us tips to use while we film our podcast. We appreciate you! Publicación de agradecimiento! Gracias @alejandraamayaproductions y @chocolateradio01 por tomarse el tiempo de capacitar a nuestro equipo de personal y adultos jóvenes y al mismo tiempo brindarnos consejos para usar mientras filmamos nuestro podcast. ¡Te apreciamos! #youthpodcast #mentalhealth #community #appreciation